​Inspirational lecture

Our inspirational lecture is a kickstart for sustainability work within the IT field. We share knowledge, inspiration, and concrete tools to facilitate your company's sustainability work and make a tangible difference. The goal of the lecture is to provide a scientific background to why the area needs to be highlighted and inspiration for how you can initiate the change towards a more sustainable IT organization.

The lecture is aimed at boards, IT management and sustainability teams.


CIOCO2 Nuläge & 
Roadmap för hållbar IT 

- Sustainable IT assessment

Med hjälp av vår Sustainable IT roadmap ger vi er insikter i er mognadsnivå kring hållbarhetsarbetet inom IT med fokus på miljöpåverkan. Under en heldagsworkshop som leds av oss och inkluderar t.ex. CIO, hållbarhetschef, IT-driftschef och infrastrukturchef, utvärderar vi er verksamhet utifrån ett antal kritiska områden och perspektiv. Efter avslutad workshop får ni en rapport som belyser ert nuläge av er IT organisations hållbarhetsarbete sammanfattat i text och KPIer samt tips, rekommendationer och best practice som kan ligga till grund för en IT sustainable roadmap eller IT sustainability playbook. CIOCO2 roadmap skapar förutsättningar för ett effektivt CSRD arbete.  

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CIOCO2 Evaluation

- Sustainable IT Evaluation

Med hjälp av vårt digitala utvärderingsverktyg, leder ni själva en workshop och svarar på det digitala verktygets frågor. Detta resulterar i en rapport som ger tydliga KPI:er samt indikerar vilka områden som har potentialen att bli bättre i ert företag. 

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aerial view of green trees and river

CSRD/ESRS + CIOCO2 assessment  

Roadmap workshop 

Based on your CIOCO2 Assessment we jointly create a prioritized roadmap to handle the outcome. The prioritization in the roadmap is based on CSRD/ESRS material topics that are common in the IT industry. These have been established by analysis of current sustainability reporting standards and major vendors’ material topics in sustainability. Roadmap activities are identified based on disclosure requirements and data points in CSRD/ESRS. The roadmap will be a base to increase your maturity and prepare you for potential future CSRD/ESRS reporting.


Hållbar utvecklare 

- Workshop

This workshop is for you who work with system and software development and want to be better equipped to make sustainable decisions when it comes to technology and architecture. During this workshop, you will learn how you can incorporate sustainability into your everyday life and contribute to sustainable solutions and processes.


​Hållbar projektledare 

- Workshop

Are you a project manager in IT? Then this is the workshop for you who want to contribute to sustainable IT organizations. This workshop highlights the environmental part of the sustainability issue within the IT field. After the workshop, you will have tools on how you as a project manager can integrate sustainability into everyday life and help the IT organizations you encounter to become more sustainable.


For more information and price, 

contact us here and we will get back to you ASAP 

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